Wednesday, February 17, 2010

he is NOT a sensation

Okay, I was just reading yahoo news, and it was an article about former American Idol runner up Adam Lambert. First of all, the article referred to him as being a "sensation", and then went on to talk about his diva-esq attitude he shows to audiences at his shows. Lets get something straight right now (no pun intended). Adam Lambert is NOT a sensation...he is a joke! Second of all, his diva attitude...he needs to probably get over himself right quick, because there is no reason for him to be a snob, or for him to think everyone wants him. Letting people grab his crotch during his shows, telling people about how everyone wants him, and stopping his show to yell at an audience member that was on her Adam, you are not a diva, so therefore you need to get over yourself and realize that your ten fans are going hate you soon if you don't drop the cocky "everyone wants me and you better show me you want me too" attitude now. Please, I ask you the reader of this, join me in an anti-Adam Lambert movement...for the sake of music...he needs to be stopped! (ps. here is a video of him stopping his show to yell at a fan.)

-- Justin